Plan G.M.P.H (or Gmph)(g<u>mph)


o.k: plan gmph (get more people here) would like everyone that has been here to help me get more people to this site. you guys if you want can make off branches of this site.

example: make a club penguin army, or a fan club like mine, or make a random site. we want a cool site.  all of my friends from rus army could make a site, but it would help if we made this site into a giant empire.

if you think this is a  good idea, comment “aye” on this if you think its a bad idea, comment “no”

it would help you off branches sites be bigger.

I really would like you guys to comment!

~greenday935 or simon d.

P.S: guys, if you would like to be a co-leader (or a admin) of this site comment about that. I’ll be taking 4 people so join quick!